August Update 1 - Goodies abound, so read until the end!

Happy International Book Lovers Day from TotES Studio P.
(Right-click on the image and open/save if you want the wallpaper version)

Do you ever get that irrational desire to make a nest in your bed and read all day until your brain turns to mush? Somebody please reassure me it's not just me, because that's been my mood for the whole week.

☐ Script

The script for Act 1 is now over 130k. I know these numbers might not mean much to you, but I've always been a very slow writer, so it still blows my mind every time. For comparison, the currently available demo of Her Choice is 30k words.

The projected length for Act 1 is around 200k words. 

New content:

  • HIS SIDE - more scenes from the boys' point of view
  • HIS MEMORIES - collect snippets from their past as you progress through the story
  • HER MEMORIES - what secrets is the MC hiding? Piece together her past and try to find out
  • TALE OF ARAMA AND HUREN - read excerpts from Kingar' legends and find out how they all tie into the plot (it will all make sense one day, I promise)

And — rejoice! — a whole lot of new short scenes where you will get to play with Lawnce and Scai, because I know that is what you all really want.

That being said, Hano would like a word with you ...

Don't ask why he's naked. I'm not even going to try to justify myself anymore, so just take it and enjoy.

☐ Sprites

I forget if we formally introduced Bruel before or not, but here are the updated sprites of everybody's beloved lounge manager. 

☐ Backgrounds

I finished another set of backgrounds, this time it's Mune's bedroom.

And here is the link to the post I promised you last week:

Zanas being his grumpiest self while answering 50 random questions

(At this point, is it even a devlog anymore if if I don't get to sneak in some Zanas content in one form or the other?)

-  Wavi -


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thanks for your hardworking <333